Dr. Sue YouTubes
YouTube Links for a Few of Dr. Sue's Paranormal Investigations:
Click on each link and liten for "Voices"
Best of Thomas House 2012-2014
West Virginia State Penitentiary
Links frpm investigations at three major sites where Emmett Till was tortured and urdered in 1955; links are in the order in which they appear in WHITE FEATHERS FROM EMMETT
- Voices from Courtroom at the Sumner Courthouse
- A Fun-Loving Emmett
- White Feathers from Emmett, White Feather #1
- White Feather #2, Seed Shed at Drew, MS
- The White Dove
- White Feather #3
- Final Feather Falls
- The Bridge (Black Bayou) 9/7/2017
*Dr. Sue’s youtube account is under Sue Clifton. Dr. Sue welcomes all viewers.